BusinessNZ welcomes climate thaw
BusinessNZ has welcomed today’s announcement that
the National Party has taken a significant step toward a
bipartisan approach to climate change policy.
Leader of the Opposition the Hon Simon Bridges has written to the Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change, offering to work with them on climate change issues.
"Climate change is an intergenerational issue like no other. It will require long-term stable and durable policy settings to unlock the change needed," says John Carnegie, Executive Director, Energy & Infrastructure.
"We have consistently called for a bipartisan approach as a necessary condition for effective change. Business needs a clear direction and predictable policy settings in order to invest and create jobs with confidence as we reach towards increasingly stringent climate change targets.
"The key question that both parties need to address with business as the primary solution provider is how effort can best be harnessed across the economy to achieve the necessary transformation, while balancing risks such as investment and carbon leakage.
urge the parties to work together in good faith, and offer
the support and assistance of BusinessNZ should that be