Inclusive growth attracts star studded line-up
The largely discredited and out of fashion ‘trickle down’ effect has been supplanted by global calls for ‘inclusive growth’. The OECD defines inclusive growth as
“Economic growth that creates opportunity for all
segments of the population and distributes the dividends of
increased prosperity, both in monetary and non-monetary
terms, fairly across society.”
becoming a political priority in New Zealand, the notion of
inclusive growth will occupy the minds of NZ’s leading
economic development professionals at the upcoming Economic
Development Conference ‘Mahi Tahi’.
International experts on inclusive growth such as Ben Lucas of MetroDynamics (UK), Craig Richard, President of the International Economic Development Council (USA) and Ben Katz from the Brookings Institute (USA) will share stories of the inclusive growth journey in their countries and contribute to the thought leadership of NZ’s journey.
NZ based speakers at the Conference include; Sir Mark Solomon presenting on NZ’s changing demographics; Alan Johnson, author of the Salvation Army’s ‘State of the Nation’ Report, Dr David Wilson, presenting on inclusive growth in the regions and Benje Patterson from Infometrics presenting options for measuring inclusive growth.
And in recognition of the pressures our ED community is under, EDNZ has invited the highly entertaining and insightful Australian presenter, Rob Edwards to speak on strategies for coping with stress.
You can see more detail regarding the conference here …
EDNZ is a national not for profit that empowers and enables individuals and organisations either practicing, or associated with, economic development across New Zealand.
We aim to be highly valued as the unique and authoritative champion, partner and enabler of ED professionals whilst supporting our members and NZ Inc by providing quality, professional services that are inspiring, trusted, valued and bespoke.