No room for racism in Aotearoa
From: Auckland Peace Action
Date: 18 July 2018
“Auckland Peace Action will join with other
activist and community groups across Auckland to resist
racism if any public events involving right wing extremist
speakers Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux go ahead,”
said Valerie Morse, member of Auckland Peace
“We support Auckland City Council and their
decision not to let council venues be used to promote racist
hate speech.”
“We stand with the Muslim community
in South Auckland who started the petition against these
hate speakers. We will mobilise against the politics of hate
and racism in Auckland.”
“MP Marama Davidson and
I have both received death threats from the fascist
supporters of Southern and Molyneux. These speakers embolden
white supremacists and will directly contribute to
increasing the level of racism and violence against the
diverse communities that make up this
“Auckland is an amazing culturally diverse
and tolerant city, and people of this city like it that way.
We want to honour the Tangata Whenua and celebrate
Auckland's multicultural diversity, not have our city
subject to racism, fear and violence.