False victory claimed by “Free Speech Coalition”
Date: 25 July 2018
From: Auckland Peace Action
“The so-called “Free Speech Coalition” is
claiming a false victory after realising that their legal
challenge was fatally flawed. The group has unilaterally
withdrawn their urgent court case because they realised that
the case has nothing to do with free speech. They raised
$90,000 to prosecute the Mayor when he had nothing to do
with the decision making,” said Valerie Morse, member of
Auckland Peace Action.
“This is instead a simple
victory for the diverse communities of New Zealand, for
racial and religious tolerance.”
“The ‘Free
Speech Coalition’ is calling people who oppose racism and
Islamophobia ‘thugs’ because we are not prepared to
provide our public spaces to right-wing extremists to meet
up and rally. Yet, it is the supporters of these fascists
speakers who are threatening serious violence, not the other
way around.”
“Auckland venues clearly had a
contractual right to cancel the booking based on what they
believed were well founded security concerns. These concerns
have been borne out over the past two weeks with supporters
of the two Canadian speakers making public threats to kill,
rape, run over and smash two women who spoke up against
them. Another person threatened our group with
semi-automatic weapons.”
“We have a great history
of resisting racism and injustice in this country using
non-violent tactics: from pulling up survey pegs at
Parihaka, to getting on the pitch during the Springbok tour,
to taking to the seas to stop deep sea oil drilling. We are
part of a huge movement for justice and peace - we will give
no space for racists trolls in Aotearoa. We will organise
anytime such racists or fascists try to come to Aotearoa New
“People in this country need to
understand that the racist right is fundamentally violent.
They have no interest in debating ideas or understanding
what is going on in the world, instead they seek to spread a
politics of hate: hatred of Muslims, hatred of women, hatred
of gays, hatred of lesbians, hatred of transgender people,
hatred of anyone who isn’t white. History shows us that
those kind of politics have profoundly disturbing real life
implications for people.”
“It appears that the
'Free Speech Coalition' were involved in the arrangements to
bring Southern and Molyneux to Auckland. They have been
unable to secure a council or private venue. Now the
ratepayers of Auckland can seek costs from this coalition
who preferred to raise vast sums of money to support a
platform of hate speech than to stand up against