Chelsea Manning Granted NZ Work Visa
Chelsea Manning NZ Work Visa Granted / Australian Shows to Video Link from NZ / Georgina Beyer Confirmed as Host
Overnight, Think INC. have received Chelsea Manning’s Work Visa from Immigration New Zealand and Manning will appear in person at the Auckland and Wellington events this Saturday and Sunday respectively.
Georgina Beyer has been confirmed as the host of the two New Zealand shows. Beyer was the world's first openly transgender mayor, as well as the world's first openly transgender Member of Parliament.
Manning was unable to obtain a Visa in time to enter Australia, and the Melbourne and Brisbane shows will continue via satellite video link from New Zealand.
Mikee Tucker from Think INC NZ states - "I commend the New Zealand government for making a progressive decision and look forward to engaging in intelligent discourse around Manning's story”.
David Cooper, Director at Malcolm Pacific Immigration, the firm representing Chelsea Manning, thanks Immigration New Zealand staff for their absolute professional and non-bias approach throughout the processing of the visa application.
Full information on Manning's appearances in Auckland and Wellington available from