Understanding gay – a public lecture
Differences between gay and non-gay people is not about sex according to School of Social Work Professor Mark Henrickson, who will propose in a lecture next month that it is more about the ways we understand the world and decide what is true.
The lecture, to be held on the Auckland campus on November 5, will explore what this difference means, covering the implications for educators, health and social service providers, parents and family members, as well as gender and sexually diverse and trans people.
“Understanding these differences is important not only for people who work in social and health work, but also people who have gender and sexually diverse family members. It may be particularly relevant for people of faith, given the great amount of attention the issues of sexuality and marriage equality has had in the churches over the past many years. It is quite likely that these communities are not even participating in the same conversations,” Professor Henrickson says.
Event details:
Understanding gay – free public lecture
7.00 - 8.00pm
November 5
SNW 100, Sir Neil Waters Lecture Theatre Building, Gate 1, Albany Expressway, Massey University Auckland campus