Feedback sought on Auditor-General's draft annual plan
The Auditor-General’s Draft annual plan 2019/20 was
presented to the House of Representatives today.
The Auditor-General is required to consult the House of Representatives each year on a draft annual plan that describes the Office’s proposed annual work programme. This consultation helps to ensure that our work is relevant, responsive and useful to Parliament, public entities, and the public. Consultation with Parliament also helps to ensure that we invest our resources in work that will make the most difference in improving the performance and accountability of public organisations.
Part 3 of the draft plan sets out the work on which we are seeking feedback. This includes updates to our multi-year Procurement work programme and introducing our proposed work programme looking at Improving the lives of New Zealanders.
We will consider any feedback from members of Parliament, public entities, or the public on our draft annual plan and incorporate it as appropriate in our final Annual plan 2019/20, which will be published before the end of June 2019. Send us your feedback before Friday 31 May 2019 by using the feedback form on our website, or by emailing