RMA shakeup long overdue
A shakeup of the Resource Management System is a big step in the right direction, BusinessNZ chief executive Kirk Hope says.
"This is a great chance to move towards improved environmental, economic and social wellbeing outcomes."
Mr Hope says Resource Reform New Zealand (Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA), Environmental Defence Society (EDS), Property Council New Zealand, Infrastructure New Zealand and BusinessNZ) is pleased to see the focus finally on the Resource Management Act.
Mr Hope praised Environment Minister David Parker for recognising the issues and bringing independent oversight to the review.
The RMA was the first legislation of its type in the world combining environmental and planning matters, however, at almost 30-years-old, it is outdated, Mr Hope says.
"Substantial changes in climate change and large-scale infrastructure construction mean an overhaul is necessary."
Mr Hope sees the review as a chance to look at the wider resource management system in New Zealand.
"We hope a reform will increase housing development affordability, reduce complications and improve freshwater quality."