NZTA to adopt "safety first"?
We welcome the findings of the Martin Jenkins report into the failings of NZTA to deliver a safe roading environment, says MOVEMENT Spokesperson and Transport Planner Bevan Woodward.
"It's hard to believe but NZTA don't even have a Road Safety Audit procedure. In 2013 they released a guideline which was "an interim release to operate for a trial period”. Since then nothing has been released by NZTA.
Despite an independent MoT review advising that NZTA needed to be more proactive on safer speed limits, NZTA’s subsequent Speed Management Guide takes the approach that there is "no quick fix to our road safety challenges" and it is "not calling for sweeping changes".
Since then NZTA has constantly pushed back against community demands for safer speed limits.
We look forward to NZTA adopting the "safety first" approach, just as every other industry sector within NZ has. By making our roads safer, more people will be able to walk and cycle. The benefits from this are well known and hugely significant."