$10.98 million of PGF funding announced
Kaikōura’s bright future received a $10.98 million endorsement from the Provincial Growth Fund today at Kaikōura District Council.
The funding is for two projects, $9,880,000 for redeveloping Wakatu Quay into a mixed use commercial, retail and hospitality area and $1,100,000 for a business case for developing the harbour at South Bay.
The $9.8million grant for the development of Wakutu Quay offers a unique opportunity to develop a commercial, retail and hospitality precinct in an iconic environment. It lines Kaikōura up to deliver exceptional visitor experiences and to take a big step towards diversifying employment opportunities and providing a year round venue for recreation and business.
The harbour is a cornerstone of local infrastructure. The grant of the $1.1 m for a detailed business case for further development is a major step forward in making sure Kaikoura is building for the future.
The announcement is the result of 18 months of collaboration between Council, Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura, community and stakeholders, made possible by government support.
The funding grew out of community and stakeholder led thinking around a marine development programme the goal of which was to develop Kaikōura’s marine sectors over 10 to 15 years.
“This is an exciting and significant endorsement of Kaikōura’s recovery and its bright future,” Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackle said, adding “to me, this place is paradise and our future looks better today than it ever has.”
Over the next few months Council will be working with Te Runanga o Kaikoura, stakeholders and the community to bring these projects to life.