Politics/Global Warming - New Political Party
Global Warming is real and it's happening
We know it.
You know it. We ALL know
The time for
talking is
It's time for
us ALL to
So, what can
• Use your
Party Vote at the next election to vote for the one
party COMMITTED to make REAL CHANGE in Global
warming is making the planet uninhabitable
and attempts by governments and activists have failed to
address the problem fast enough. Real change is needed
The Planets Party has been established to bring about that change directly through the ballot box, thanks to MMP (Mixed Member Proportional voting system).
The Planets Party does NOT have to win the elections to force through change. We simply need to hold a sufficient percentage of the vote so that other parties will have to adopt some, or all, of the policies from The Planets Party to form a government with us.
The Planets Party has two policies:
Our Plan for
We will engage top
global warming scientists to review the New Zealand
territory and put forward a 3-year plan that will ensure NZ
is on track to keep Global Warming within a 2C limit.
The plan will be produced within 3 months and all parts of the plan will be started within 1 year. We are strongly committed to ensuring every task in the plan is completed within its allocated timeframe.
While we can't anticipate everything the plan will recommend we can be confident we will need to take action in the following areas:
• All coal mines to be closed down and all coal imports/exports to be banned
• All oil and natural gas extraction to be shut down in New Zealand
• Increase the costs of carbon emissions in the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme - "carbon tax" on CO2 emissions)
• Total ban of any further imports of Petrol or Diesel fuelled vehicles
• Ban Heavy
Oil powered ships from visiting NZ waters
New Zealand must be
prepared to:
• fund the changes required
• support those affected by these policies to continue to live a healthy lifestyle (possibly by retraining and creating new industry in the affected regions).
A possible input to this work will be the work done by the Cross Party Climate Change Commission (NZ)
To encourage other countries to make a similar effort as we are to implement their own targets (as determined by the IPCC), New Zealand will impose Tariffs on all imports from non-complying countries:
• 2022 - 10%
• 2023 - 20%
• 2024 - 30%
• etc.
It is hoped that like-minded countries will come into line with their own IPCC compliant plans, but New Zealand must be prepared to accept reciprocal tariffs if we are failing to reach our own targets.
This may require that NZ pulls out of existing Trade agreements; but countries that already are not meeting their obligations to meet the Paris agreement, are already in breach of their agreements.
New Zealand must be prepared accept any potential retaliation, which may be significant.
does NZ intend to pay for these
The policies
needed to meet our Global Warming obligations will be
provided by one or more of the following:
• Extra money raised from an improved ETS (Emission Trading Scheme) which is a likely output from the Plan for NZ
• Adding more money by "printing" more NZ dollars whilst taking care not to inflate the New Zealand economy (see Modern Monetary Theory).
• Join other countries by implementing Digital Taxation at Source
o Large Digital Technology Firms have avoided paying their fair share of tax in New Zealand so New Zealand will follow France, Europe, other Asian and Latin American countries example and tax "profits" made in NZ, at source.
o Companies typically affected by this change will be the likes of Facebook and Google (Alphabet).
• New Zealand spending will be altered, as needed
know this may sound like a hard line, but only a hard line
will ensure the survival of our planet. And the time to take
that hard line is
Make 2020 the
year of Action!
There is more information on the