Greens Select Community Educator As Whangarei Candidate
The Green Party has selected party stalwart and anti-racism educator, Moea Armstrong, as its candidate for Whangarei in the September general election.
She has been active in the party for 20 years, including four years as its national female co-convenor, and stood in Whangarei in the 2005 general election.
Ms Armstrong said, "I'm keen to campaign for the party vote in this crucial election. The outcome will determine whether we carry on with business as usual or make the bold change we need to clean up our environment and create fairer communities in the post-COVID world.
“Business as usual was the problem, so let’s not go back there – we can do so much better for people and the planet.
“It is essential that we have a much larger Green presence in government, and that can only happen with a greater Green share of the party vote.
"Of the two votes people have this election, their party vote determines the final shape of the next government. With more Green MPs in government, we can push for faster action on environmental recovery and social justice.
“Four decades of asset sales, profiteering and undermining the public service have created havoc in many people’s lives, and the social safety net is full of holes. We need to directly support those without jobs and on low and precarious incomes, to prevent further damage and turbo charge the collective recovery post-COVID.
“We are at a positive turning point with the Waitangi Tribunal’s acknowledgement of the primacy of the Maori text of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the determination of Ngāpuhi to hold to that truth. The Greens have recognised this for more than 20 years, and are committed to working towards mutually agreed decision-making processes between the treaty parties.
“I strongly support the Vote Yes campaign for the cannabis referendum. Prohibition has always been an ineffective and dangerous option, whether for alcohol or cannabis. The legislation, which has cross-party support, will reduce harm by proactively managing the health risks openly, rather than ignoring them.
“This election can be a positive turning point for the sustainable and more equitable future that many want and that we all know is possible. The Greens have focused on this for decades, and bring solid practical policies which generate green jobs and a comfortable future for all, not just for some of our team of 5 million.”