CEO Resignation Puts Pressure On Margaret Devlin To Do The Same
The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance is calling for Watercare Chair, Margaret Devlin, to front up and justify her continued role with the troubled infrastructure provider.
“Ms Devlin’s troubled times as the Chair makes it all the more obvious to those who follow civic matters that Raveen Jaduram is the fall guy for much larger issues within the organisation,” says Jo Holmes, a spokesperson for the Alliance. "She needs to justify why Aucklanders should have confidence in her as Chair."
“While Mr Jaduram was overpaid, under his leadership Watercare was the model of transparency. In fact, despite the criticism from our organisation about his pay, Mr Jaduram made himself available for our podcast, and ensured not a single LGOIMA request was delayed.”
“We’ve approached Ms Devlin to front up and provide assurances during the current drought. We’re awaiting her response.”