Let's Stick Together And Let’s Keep Moving - Labour Launches First 2020 TV Commercial
Megan Woods
Labour Campaign Chair
Labour has launched its first TV commercial for the 2020 election.
The advert was released exclusively to Labour’s online supporters this afternoon.
“We’ve done things a little differently this year, and have launched our commercial first to our grassroots supporters, ahead of it being aired on TV and social media. This is a people powered campaign, made possible by thousands of volunteers around the country, and it only felt right that they saw our commercial first,” Megan Woods said.
“This year, our television campaign is about getting our message of progress in front of New Zealanders - we went hard and early to stamp out the virus, but to rebuild the economy we need a strong plan and the trusted leadership of Jacinda Ardern.
“Our plan is centred around creating new jobs with infrastructure and environment projects, making apprenticeships free, backing businesses and growing trade with targeted support.
“Our ad features the Prime Minister laying out this plan directly to New Zealanders.
“Thanks to the great work of our team of 5 million, we are in a better position to move ahead with the economic recovery. Now, we need to stick together, and keep New Zealand moving in the right direction,” says Megan Woods.
The Labour Party’s first 2020 television commercial can be found here: https://www.labour.org.nz/first-tv-ad-2020