It’s Time For Beehive Women To Get Real On Pay Equity
NZCTU Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges is issuing a challenge to women in government to stand with working women on International Women’s Day by pushing policies to reduce the gender pay gap.
“We are calling on the women who work in the Beehive to show some solidarity with working women by getting real on pay equity,” said Ansell-Bridges.
“International Working Women’s Day, which has its roots in the labour movement, has been celebrated for well over a century. This day is an opportunity to take stock of all the progress that we’ve made towards gender equality.
“There is still so much to do. We’re currently on a trajectory that will mean we still have a gender pay gap in 2055, despite all the work that unions and workers in female dominated industries have been doing to settle pay equity claims.
“Currently we have a gender pay gap of 8.9% on average. This is much higher for wāhine Māori (16.2%) and Pasifika women (21.2%). Women cannot afford to keep on waiting to be paid fairly.
“Rather than working to close the pay gap, this Government has put the brakes on pay equity by closing the Pay Equity Taskforce and making it significantly harder to fund settlements.
“The Government needs to show they value the work of women in Aotearoa by getting behind pay equity,” said Ansell-Bridges.