Green Party Calls To End Conversion Therapy Now
The Green Party is calling on the Labour Government to urgently prioritise banning conversion therapy.
At Big Gay Out in Auckland today, Green Party spokesperson for Rainbow Communities Dr Elizabeth Kerekere will launch a petition calling on it to be prioritised.
“There is no place for conversion therapy in Aotearoa,” Dr Elizabeth Kerekere says.
“Aotearoa should be a place where no matter who you love or how you identify, you are accepted, and no one should be allowed to force people to change who they are through this harmful and traumatising practice.
“Over the years, there have been multiple petitions asking the Government to ban conversion therapy.
“Many parties have committed to banning it, yet the Labour Party has indicated that any plan to prioritise is not urgent, with no plans to introduce legislation immediately.
“We must have the legislation introduced as soon as possible. As the weeks and months roll by, we risk more rainbow New Zealanders being exposed to this harmful practice.
“Conversion therapy includes a series of practices used in an attempt to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity through shaming, emotional manipulation and in extreme cases physical trauma.
“Not only is it unethical, but it has been linked to serious long term mental health issues.
“I’m calling on my Labour colleagues to stop the harm it’s causing to our Rainbow whānau now.
“Labour has committed to banning it. Let’s not let more of our community be exposed to harm. We must get the legislation into the Parliament as soon as possible”.