Violent Manawatu Inmate Should Receive A Consecutive Sentence
“Inmates who commit crimes whilst incarcerated should automatically serve a consecutive sentence and have their time added on top of any time they are currently serving,” says Darroch Ball co-leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.
“The Manawatu Prison inmate who allegedly has left his cellmate in a coma must face the full force of the law and, if found guilty, should have any extra time added on to the end of his current sentence.”
“We have a ridiculous situation right now where most, if not all, sentences handed down to inmates are concurrent sentences, so they end up not serving any more time than they originally would have.”
“This is no sort of deterrent and provides no level of accountability.”
“There is a simple legislative change that can occur to ensure any inmate committing an offence in prison will automatically have any extra time added on to the end of their sentence,” says Mr Ball.
“It’s a common sense move that would ensure these criminals are properly held to account.”