Green Party Mp “Attack Dog” Comment Prime Example Of Loopy Left’s Logic
Green Party MP Ricardo Menendez March’s labelling of police dogs as being “attack dogs” is as out of touch as it is insulting to our entire police force, says Darroch Ball co-leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.
“A bill seeking to increase the maximum prison sentence from two years to five years for anyone who kills a police dog, was voted down by the Greens with Menendez March’s comments highlighting just how dangerous and loopy the Green Party logic is when it comes to law and order.”
“Contrary to Menendez March’s belief these aren’t crimes where we can just ‘hug it out’.”
“Someone who cuts down a protected tree without permission faces the same maximum sentence as a violent criminal who kills a police dog. It's plain wrong.”
“Police dogs are used to track dangerous criminals, save victims from crime, and end violent and volatile situations. They are there to protect both members of the public and police officers, and often put themselves in harm's way in doing so.”
“The attitude shown by Menendez March is typical of the Greens who consistently prove they care more about the offender’s rights and considerations than they do any victims of crime or even our law enforcement officers.”
“What the Green Party fails to understand is that this legislative change was seeking to hold offenders to account and establish a sense of justice for the offender’s actions.”
“He can talk all he wants about trying to stop people offending in the first place, but the reality is if someone kills a police dog they need to be held to account.”
“The logic being used by the Greens would mean we would get rid of prison sentences entirely and give no weight to justice or accountability," says Mr Ball.
“The Greens should go back to worrying about the environment and leave law and order alone.”