Unite Union Supports The Auckland March Of Migrants On 5 June
Unite Union is calling on all supporters of worker's rights and social justice to join the migrant rights march in Auckland on Saturday 5 June. The protests will gather in Aotea Square at 3pm, to march through central Auckland.
Unite Union Advocate Mike Treen said the union "believes that resolving the current crisis for migrants who have made New Zealand their home is an urgent necessity and has not been dealt with by the government reset of future migration criteria.
"Migrants in New Zealand have now formed a national coalition The Federation of Aotearoa Migrants to advance six key demands that will address the problems that they and the country face.
These march demands are:
1) It has
been over a year and migrants are still stranded offshore -
Bring them back
2) The ever-moving goal post of getting residence - Give residence now to those already here
3) Migrant worker exploitation is neverending - Detach visas from employers
4) Visa processing delays cause havoc for migrant lives – allocate more resources at INZ
5) Unite separated families - Reset immigration policy and overhaul INZ
6) Provide a one-off amnesty for overstayers
"In a recent media interview Prime Minister Jacinda Adern said of the migrant community that 'this is their home'. We need meaningful and actionable steps from the government to give meaning to words
" The migrant communities proposals will also radically reduce migrant worker exploitation that has been a scourge in our community that has been tolerated for far too long, and that will lift the situation for all workers" said Mike Treen
The March is organised by: FAM – The
Federation of Aotearoa Migrants. Supported by Association of
New Kiwis Aotearoa (ANKA), Migrant Workers Association
(MWA), Migrant Rights Network (MRN), Unite Union, Auckland
Action Against Poverty