March Of Migrants - Postponed To 10 July
The March of Migrants II – Postponed
The Covid pandemic has seen the migrants, onshore and offshore, play a significant role as frontline workers, essential workers, and generally being caring members of the team of five million. Therefore, we fully understand our responsibility towards reducing the spread of the virus, and our collective actions must not increase the risk posed by Covid-19.
We are concerned about the health risks due to the fast spread of the aggressive delta variant of the virus, that is responsible for the current case and the alert level 2 in Wellington.
The first March of Migrants on 5 June 2021 was attended by migrants and their supporters from all over New Zealand including Wellington. We expect the attendance to increase for second and subsequent marches.
After considering the health risks and the potential of the march on 26 June 2021 becoming a super spreader event, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the second March of Migrants to Saturday 10 July 2021.
Let’s act collectively, but responsibly.
Further details about the postponed March will be made available closer to the time.
Issued by: FAM – The Federation of Aotearoa Migrants
Member organisations: Association of New Kiwis Aotearoa (ANKA), Migrant Workers Association (MWA), Migrant Rights Network (MRN), Unite Union, Auckland Action Against Poverty (AAAP)