Have Your Say On The Security Information In Proceedings Legislation Bill
The Justice Committee is calling for submissions on the Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill. The bill seeks to provide a framework for dealing with security information in court proceedings. It would amend multiple pieces of legislation.
The bill was introduced by the Government in response to Part 2 of the Law Commission’s report The Crown in Court: A Review of the Crown Proceedings Act and National Security Information in Proceedings. That report found that the existing frameworks for dealing with national security information in court or administrative decisions have developed in an ad hoc manner. It said that this approach lacks clarity and protections for both individuals and national security.
The bill would make changes to procedures for dealing with national security information in civil proceedings, criminal proceedings, and in administrative decisions. It would introduce a second civil process in which the Attorney-General and the Minister of Foreign Affairs certify that information is security information and cannot be disclosed to other parties in open court.
Tell the Justice Committee what you think
Make a submission on the bill by midnight on 8 February 2022.
For more details about the bill:
· Read the full content of the bill
· What’s been said in Parliament about the bill?
· Follow the
committee’s Facebook page for