Wellington Free Ambulance - Protest Action 22 Feb
As of 3pm Wellington Free Ambulance has made the difficult decision to no longer enter the protest area at Parliament.
This decision has been made to prioritise the safety of our paramedics following the increase in hostilities experienced both this morning and yesterday.
As the only provider of ambulance services in the region, we will continue to support people requiring urgent medical attention, but this will be at a designated safe space outside the recently established cordon.
It has been widely publicised that the protestors have established their own medical support within the cordon area. The Wellington Free Ambulance Tactical Emergency Support team will remain behind the cordon to support the NZ Police response.
Please be assured that if residents, people at their place of work or shopping in or close by the protest zone require support we will respond as per standard procedure.
Over the past 95 years Wellington Free Ambulance has responded to emergencies for anyone, anywhere, no matter the circumstances and this decision has not been made lightly. We hope that our community of supporters understand the need to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our paramedics during this time of ongoing unrest in the Capital.