Spanish Taxpayers Thanked For Saving New Zealand $99 Million
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is thanking the taxpayers of Barcelona and Catalonia for taking the $99 million America’s Cup defence off Kiwi taxpayers’ hands.
Union spokesman Louis Houlbrooke says, “Funding for a millionaires’ boat race was never a good use of taxpayers’ money when we are facing a debt monster and painful inflation. We can only assume that Barcelona has solved all of its economic and social problems, allowing them to now indulge on a $100 million dollar yacht race for the elite. Good for them.”
“The success of the Spanish bid means $99 million is freed up for the Government and Auckland Council to pay down debt or be returned to taxpayers and ratepayers. We won’t be paying $900,000 for another Rod Stewart singalong, but we sincerely wish him luck lobbying Barcelona City Council for a repeat of his memorable performance.”
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union has today sent bouquet of flowers to the Spanish Taxpayers’ Union (Unión de Contribuyentes) in gratitude.