Facing A Changing Climate On Our Coasts
Faced with increasing challenges from climate change, there is a growing need for coastal communities around New Zealand to adapt, and keep adapting, at our coasts. How this can be done – and is being done – is the focus of the New Zealand Coastal Society’s (NZCS) latest Special Publication, ‘Coastal Adaptation: adapting to coastal change and hazard risk in Aotearoa New Zealand’, launched today at the annual NZCS Conference, ‘Small Islands, Big Oceans – Ko ngā moutere iti – Ko ngā moana nui’.
‘Coastal Adaptation’ tackles the complex challenges of moving Aotearoa towards our adaptation goals in the face of increasing coastal change, affordability, and system reform challenges. It highlights the research and practice underway in this space, but also the struggle already facing many communities in New Zealand’s coastal areas.
“It is clear that the future for our coastal environment is increasingly unpredictable and under growing and inevitable pressure from climate change and human impacts,” says NZCS Co-Chair Amy Robinson. “Importantly, ‘Coastal Adaptation’ identifies ideas for implementing change,” she says.
“New policy developments, innovation in community engagement and Treaty-based partnership approaches signal a shift in the way we’ve normally approached coastal management. These advances – and many others described in this publication – put us on a better path toward more resilient coastal environments and communities” says Robinson. She points to diverse examples such as incorporating Matauranga Maori, managed retreat and nature-based solutions, as ways forward.
NZCS Co-Chair Mark Ivamy says, “The opportunity for coastal professionals to share knowledge from their research and work with vulnerable communities is essential. That’s why this publication is really valuable – it provides an opportunity for us to share and learn off each other, but also to collectively and continually improve our approaches to coastal adaptation challenges – many of which will take significant investment in time, energy, and resources to solve.
“There is much to do,” he says.
Notes for media
The New Zealand Coastal Society was formed in 1992 to promote and advance knowledge and understanding of the coastal zone. An Engineering New Zealand technical group, the society has over 400 members including representatives from a wide range of coastal science, engineering and planning disciplines.
Starting in 2014, NZCS has released special publications which look at one particular theme or event of widespread interest, both to NZCS members and the general public. This is the fifth special publication which focuses on coastal adaptation.
Download a copy of the Special Publication #5: www.coastalsociety.org.nz/media/view/publications/
NZCS website: www.coastalsociety.org.nz
NZCS Conference 2022 webpage: www.coastalsociety.org.nz/conferences/2022