Submissions Invited On Proposed Legislative Changes Regarding Fuel Resilience Measures
The Chairperson of the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee is calling for public submissions on the Fuel Industry (Improving Fuel Resilience) Amendment Bill.
The bill aims to ensure that New Zealand has adequate fuel stocks to mitigate the risk of fuel disruptions in the future. It would do this by:
· introducing a minimum fuel stockholding obligation on fuel importers to provide more certainty and lessen fluctuations in fuel stock level
· introduce the ability for new stockholding requirements to be set by regulation in the future, allowing for an adaptive approach to fuel resiliency measures over time
· amending the purpose of the Fuel Industry Act to include the promotion of resiliency of engine fuel supplies.
Tell the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee what you think
Make a submission on the bill by midnight on 20 June 2023.
For more details about the bill:
· Read the full content of the bill
· Get more details about the bill
· What’s been said in Parliament about the bill?