Letter To The Minister From The Hauraki Gulf Alliance
The Hauraki Gulf Alliance has just written an open letter to the Rachel Brooking, the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries expressing our outrage at her decision to allow bottom trawling and scallop dredging to continue in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act was established in 2000 and after 23 years of dithering the government finally had the opportunity to do something positive and eliminate destructive fishing methods from the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. This was through the development of the Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan.
But after immense pressure from the commercial industry and a captured ministry the Minister has allowed the plan to go ahead with bottom trawling and scallop dredging included.
We have just sent the letter to the Minister, as well as all Auckland/Waikato MPs and councillors. We are about to to send it to our subscriber database (around 75,000 people) and post it on our social media channels.
The Hauraki Gulf Alliance consists of over 100 organisations, including NGOs like LegaSea, Greenpeace and WWF and businesses like Barkers and Freedom Farms. We represent over 100,000 people.