Kiingi Tuheitia Holds Audience With Green Party
Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII has hosted members of the Green Party Caucus at Tuurangawaewae Marae in Ngaaruawahia.
The audience follows the King’s Hui-aa-Motu on 20 January, where more than 10,000 people gathered to discuss national unity and the ongoing struggle for Maaori self-determination.
Kiingitanga spokesman Ngira Simmonds says the audience with the Green Party MPs was focused on the same issues.
“Kiingi Tuheitia is keen to understand how all political representatives will uplift te Iwi Maaori and enable mana Motuhake. That was the essence of the discussions today.”
Mr Simmonds says it’s time for political parties to find new ways of working together in Parliament, instead of the traditional adversarial approach.
“While it’s the job of Opposition Parties to hold the Government to account, they can also work collaboratively to get better outcomes for the country and for our people.
“It’s been done before and we think it can be done again on a variety of issues, provided the will is there.”
Kiingi Tuheitia will continue to hold audiences with all political representatives to discuss their policies and approaches for advancing the wellbeing of te Iwi Maaori and enabling mana Motuhake.