Oral Submissions On The Local Government (Electoral Legislation And Māori Wards And Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill
The Justice Committee has agreed to a schedule of hearings for the bill that will enable it to hear from a wide variety of groups and stakeholders. The committee will not be able to hear from everyone who requested to make an oral submission. The committee will meet as a full committee on Tuesday 4 June to hear from local government and iwi/hapu groups. Subcommittees will meet all day on Wednesday and Thursday following to hear from:
- organisations
- people with experience in local and central government
- experts in the field.
The committee is grateful for the public’s continuing engagement with the bill and looks forward to hearing from submitters. Hearings will be held in public and livestreamed on the Parliament website.
The appendix to this press statement contains a chart prepared by the Department of Internal Affairs which outlines how the changes affect different councils.