Extinction Rebellion Will Cease To Exist If Greens Policy Is Enacted
8 December 2024
Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau will cease to exist if the policy released today is enacted by the government. This policy will meet the demands of Extinction Rebellion:
· tell the truth about the climate crisis and
· follow the scientific guidelines to honour the Paris agreement –
· doing our bit to keep the planetary temperature rise below 2 degrees.
By focusing the economy on the climate crisis and the transition to a just and fair society, this policy obviates the need for the nonviolent civil resistance campaign being waged by Extinction Rebellion activates.
Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau has taken many actions against the policies of this and previous governments which fly in the face of the long-term reality. These policies will ensure next generations struggle to survive in a degraded environment with depleted biodiversity, wracked by violent storms, floods and areas of devastating drought.
The scientific consensus has been clear for decades that unless we radically transform our energy use and reduce our exploitative industries, global temperatures will have risen above two degrees by the end of the century. Parts of the earth will be uninhabitable, basic resources will be fought over everywhere.
‘The Green Party Emission reduction Plan – He Ara Anamata, will obviate the need to take ongoing actions’, says Caril Cowan, spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion Tāmakai Makauraru. ‘This honours our trading partners who are honuring the Paris Agreement and honours those 80% of citizens who understand climate science and are concerned about the climate. This is the leadership needed.’