List Of Submitters To Be Invited To Make Oral Submissions— Principles Of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill
The Justice Committee has decided a list of submitters who will be invited to make oral submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. This is the primary list of invitees. Further names will be selected to fill gaps if submitters decline the invitation, cannot be contacted, or are unable to be scheduled due to limited availability.
List of submitters to be invited to make oral submissions
Please see appendix 1 below for the list of submitters to be invited. The list is made up of submitters nominated by each party.
The committee has published this list to inform the public about its work, and to give clarity to submitters who have contacted the committee asking if they will be invited to make an oral submission. We appreciate that some submitters will be disappointed not to have the opportunity to speak to the committee. The committee has sought to take a balanced approach to its hearings by allowing each political party to influence how the 80 hours of hearing time is used. If you have not been selected to be invited, we thank you for your understanding and for taking the time to make a written submission.
Lists of scheduled submitters
The list of submitters for each hearing will be published on the Submitters List page on the Parliament website in the days leading up to hearings.
Official coverage of hearings
Live-streamed official coverage of the hearings will be available on the Parliament website here.
On-demand official coverage is made available within one to two days of the hearing and can be found on the committee’s Vimeo page here.
Publication of written submissions
On Monday, 10 February, the committee intends to publish the submissions of those submitters that have been invited to make oral submissions. The submissions of submitters scheduled to make submissions on Friday, 7 February are intended to be published at the start of hearings on 7 February.
Published submissions are available on the Parliament website here.
Appendix 1—List of submitters to be invited to make oral submissions
The spelling of names in the list below reflects the spelling used by the submitter when they made their submission. The below list is arranged in alphabetical order. The order that submitters will be scheduled and heard will depend on their availability and the practical arrangement of hearings.
List of submitters to be invited to make oral submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill | |
1 | 50 King's Counsel |
2 | Aaron Allred |
3 | Aaron Hawkins |
4 | Aaron Livingston |
5 | ActionStation Aotearoa |
6 | Alister Gardiner |
7 | All hapu of Te Mahurehure |
8 | Allister Rose NZBS |
9 | Amohaere Houkamau |
10 | Andrew Butler |
11 | Andrew Geddis |
12 | Andrew Judd |
13 | Andrew Lacey |
14 | Angeline Greensill |
15 | Anjum Rahman |
16 | Anne Salmond |
17 | Annette Sykes |
18 | Anthony Blomfield |
19 | Aorangi Marae |
20 | Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers |
21 | Aotearoa Tonga Response Group |
22 | Aperahama Edwards |
23 | Asian Legal Network |
24 | Ati Teepa |
25 | Auckland City Mission - Te Tapui Atawhai |
26 | Auckland Council |
27 | Aukaha (1997) Ltd |
28 | Australiasian College of Emergency Medicine |
29 | Barbara Smith |
30 | Barry Brill |
31 | Ben Lai |
32 | Bernard O'Donnell |
33 | Bill Tissingh |
34 | Blaze Kahukiwa |
35 | Bonita Bigham |
36 | Brent Barrett |
37 | Bruce McGechan |
38 | Carmen Parahi |
39 | Catherine Delahunty |
40 | CCS Disability Action |
41 | Charles Bourke |
42 | Charlie Meyer |
43 | Child Advocacy NZ |
44 | Chris Milne |
45 | Christchurch Youth Council |
46 | Christopher Bird |
47 | Christopher Diack |
48 | CJ Hughes |
49 | Coalition for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Canada) |
50 | Cody Gledhill |
51 | Cohasset Group |
52 | Community Law Centres Aotearoa |
53 | Connor Gilbert |
54 | Corin Merrick |
55 | Criminal Bar Association |
56 | Daniel Lord |
57 | Daniel Newman |
58 | Darrin Hawkes |
59 | David Bullock |
60 | David Clark |
61 | David Crickmer |
62 | David Doorbar |
63 | David Payne |
64 | Dayle Takitimu |
65 | Dean Glen |
66 | Dean Knight |
67 | Deane Jessep |
68 | Deborah Harding |
69 | Dejan Mitrovic |
70 | Democracy Action Incorporated |
71 | Department of Public Health, University of Otago Wellington |
72 | Derryn Brenan |
73 | Dinnie Moeahu |
74 | Disabled Persons Assembly NZ |
75 | Donald Foster |
76 | Donna Awatere Huata |
77 | Douglas Higgins |
78 | Dunedin City Council |
79 | Emmaline Pickering-Martin |
80 | Equity New Zealand |
81 | Eugenie Sage |
82 | Far North District Council |
83 | Federation of Maori Authorities Inc |
84 | Felix Cheng |
85 | Fiona Mackenzie |
86 | Focus on Iran |
87 | Forest and Bird Youth |
88 | Fraser Mackenzie |
89 | Gareth Hughes |
90 | Gisborne District Council |
91 | Greenpeace Aotearoa |
92 | Gregory Fortuin |
93 | Gurinderpal S Grewal |
94 | Haititaimarangai Marae Trust |
95 | Hamish Morgan |
96 | Hapai Te Hauora Tapui Ltd |
97 | Harry Gallagher |
98 | Harvie Morrow |
99 | Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network |
100 | Hayden Turoa |
101 | Heather Came |
102 | Henrik Moller |
103 | Hinerangi Edwards |
104 | Hon Hekia Parata |
105 | Hong Lin |
106 | Hope Tupara |
107 | Horiana Irwin-Easthope |