Free Speech Union Submissions On Media Reform And Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill
The Free Speech Union has made two submissions advocating for more speech, not less, on the Media Reform Proposals and the Regulatory Systems (Occupational Regulation) Amendment Bill, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.
“Our submission in opposition to the Media Reform Proposals rejects the expansion of regulation over the media. If trust in media is to increase, it’s less regulation we need, not more.
“Regulatory bodies are meant to increase trust. But recent polling conducted for the Free Speech Union by Curia Market Research confirms that trust in bodies such as the Broadcasting Standards Authority, Advertising Standards Authority, and the Media Council is already low itself. So how will increasing their scope help Kiwis’ trust in those they govern?
“Similarly, the Media Reform Proposals and Regulatory Systems (Occupational Regulation) Amendment Bill has the potential to allow regulatory professional bodies to act in a politically biased manner, compromising the freedom of expression of licensees.
“The Bill will broaden the scope of unsatisfactory conduct to professional activities to matters beyond those related to individual professions. This will open the door to more censorship than already exists in key professions.
“We’ve proposed incorporating provisions from our Real Estate Agents (Political Neutrality) Amendment Bill 2024 we have specifically drafted to ensure political neutrality in the regulatory framework, protect licensees' right to dissent, and prevent ideological compulsion.
“Increased regulation will simply mean increased scrutiny and suppression of legitimate speech. Where does that leave Kiwis’ free speech, and what does it mean for our democracy?
“If Kiwis are to trust our institutions, it’s transparency and dialogue that’s needed, not further regulation.”