It's Human Rights Jim, But Not As You Know It
It's Human Rights Jim, But Not As You Know It
Libertarianz have offered to put one of their own spokesmen into the position of Human Rights Commissioner. Jim Anderton was worried yesterday that National might replace the Human Rights Commissioner with one of their flunkies, so this should come as good news to him," said Libertarianz Deputy Leader Richard McGrath. "
However," smiles McGrath, "we would run things a little differently. Unlike Pamela Jeffries, we're not interested in enforcing bogus rights that benefit one person at the expense of another, so our Commissioner would actually defend people's right to liberty and private property, rather than destroy them."
"He wouldn't tell sporting clubs not to run competitions for married couples," points out McGrath. "He wouldn't tell employers whom they may and may not advertise for; he wouldn't be funded by exploiting taxpayers; and - most crucially - he would soon be closing down the office altogether. In the meantime Libertarianz see the Commissioner's role as one of assisting people to fight back when their rights are squashed by politicians and other bullies."
"Of course," added McGrath, "our Commissioner will want to work from a proper constitution under which all New Zealanders are equal before the law. Libertarianz have been putting the finishing touches on such a document, which would supersede the outdated and racially divisive Treaty of Waitangi."