Young Labour launches web site
October 1st, 1999.
Young Labour launches web site
The launch of Young Labour's web site,, today is further evidence of Labour's commitment to young people, Young Labour Web Designer Michael Wallmannsberger said today. "The enthusiasm and support for this project amongst both Young Labour members, and the Labour Party as a whole, have made the design work a pleasure."
"Amongst other things, the site features information on Labour Members of Parliament and candidates, along with Young Labour press releases, newsletters and policy platforms," Mr Wallmannsberger continued.
Visitors to the site are able to contact Young Labour executive members in their region and subscribe to an e-mail list for regular updates about issues affecting young people.
"The Internet is an important communication medium. It is the medium of choice for young people today and it makes sense that Young Labour have a strong Internet presence." Mr Wallmannsberger concluded.
Young Labour President Moana Mackey has welcomed the new site.
"Young people must participate
in the political process if it is to recognise and give due
weight and consideration to our specific needs. This web
site provides the perfect forum to discuss issues of
importance with other young web users" Miss Mackey
The content and design are the entirely the work of Young Labour members.
Moana Mackey,
(04) 499 4980
Wallmannsberger, Web site designer
(025) 277 9924