Students' Violence 'Mindless'
"Students across the country are currently demonstrating why they should not be at varsity," said Andrew Bates, Libertarianz Associate Spokesman on Tertiary Education. "Rather than deal with people on rational grounds, the mindless thugs occupying buildings are opting for extortion and threats to obtain their values". "When will taxpayers wake up and see that it is they whom the threats are aimed at?" he wonders.
"Education is about developing minds and teaching people," reminds Bates, a student himself. "Among other things, students should be learning to think independently, to interact with others in a non-coercive manner and to engage with others rationally and voluntarily.
"That is not what is currently taught at our tertiary institutions however," he says. "Instead we see too may Marxist Professors chasing too many taxpayer dollars. Do taxpayers realise they are funding Marxist activists to teach students that a life of dependence is perfectly moral, that reason is 'just a social construct', that 'rational thinking isn't human', and that dealing with others by force is practical."
"The student violence is clearly an open admission that students are unable to construct a decent argument as to why they should receive the values they are acting to obtain," concludes Bates. "Let us take them at their word."