Peters Favours Serfdom
"Winston Peters indicates that he intends to reinstitute serfdom for NZ's youth" says Libertarianz Veterans Affairs spokesman Michael Murphy. He says the N.Z. First 'policy' of compulsory military training reflects an out-dated notion that the lives of young men is the property of the state - a notion that should have disappeared with medieval serfdom.
"New Zealand needs professional, well-trained and well-equipped defence forces not the semi-trained canon fodder that the Peters scheme would turn out," says Murphy. "But of course such a scheme is not about training soldiers for combat, but instead training young people for mindless obedience, something Winston appreciates in his supporters".
Fortunately it is obvious that Peters is no more serious about this than any other of his election bribes - this particular one merely a sop to the R.S.A . wing of his party, But we must be on guard against it.