No research into linkages between GE food
No research into linkages between GE food and foodborne illness, says NZFSA
The New Zealand Food Safety is not proposing any research into links between the consumption of GE food and foodborne illness.
In a recent statement, GE Free New Zealand said NZFSA had agreed there should be priority and more information on the linkages between eating GE products and the increased incidence of foodborne illness.
But NZFSA executive director Dr Andrew McKenzie said this was incorrect.
“New Zealand has seen a steady rise over the last few years in reports of foodborne illness. However we do not believe there is any correlation between this and the introduction of GE foods in New Zealand,” Dr McKenzie said.
“Our GM food compliance programme has shown there are very few GM food products for sale in New Zealand. Manufacturers have instead chosen to source non-GM ingredients and thereby avoided the need for any GM labelling.”
“NZFSA is not proposing to research any
links between GE food and foodborne illness. All GM food
for sale in New Zealand has already been subjected to a
thorough food safety assessment prior to it entering the
food supply,” Dr McKenzie