.iwi.nz first moderated .nz domain
.iwi.nz first moderated .nz domain to change Registrar under SRS.
.iwi.nz is the first of the four moderated NZ domain names (.govt, .mil, .cri , .iwi) to nominate a new preferred registrar. iwi.nz preferred registrar is now FreeParking.co.nz . The move was prompted by a need for better customer support and public information about the domain name said iwi.nz moderator Karaitiana Taiuru.
Immediate benefits to customers include cheaper annual fees, a dedicated web site http://www.register.iwi.nz containing .iwi.nz registration and other information, the opportunity to discuss applications with the moderator, notice of why an application was not successful and the opportunity to subscribe to a new .iwi.nz newsletter to see the developments and consultation in the .iwi.nz name area.
Karaitiana Taiuru believes the new customer focus and easy to find information will help the small .iwi.nz grow as more eligible groups become aware of the iwi.nz option. While there is a limited market for .iwi.nz registrations, we can certainly grow it and support the registrants.
General Manager of FreeParking, Richard Shearer said his company is looking forward to bringing the same levels of service and price to .iwi.nz customers as has been available to other NZ domain name customers for some time.
iwi.nz names can be registered through www.
http://www.register.iwi.nz or from http://
http://www.freeparking.co.nz .