14 February 2005
Global warming hitting home in Auckland
Global warming is starting to affect the lifestyle of Aucklanders. The problems the Huntly power plant had this week in meeting its expected output can be linked to global warming.
Environmental Defence Society Spokesperson Garry Law said “The temperature of the Waikato River has to be limited to protect the life in it. Four years ago the operators of Huntly had their resource consent amended so they could generate at 250 MW through the summer, while dumping the waste heat into the river. They based this on the temperature records from1988 when the river was at a record temperature, but still cool enough to allow this level of generation.
“Now this hope has proved unfounded. The river is clearly at new record temperatures and the plant cannot make the power expected.
“Four years ago there were no plans for cooling towers to push heat in to the atmosphere rather than the river. Now there are.
“Aucklanders can mark down 2005 as the year climate change started to bite, said Mr Law. “It’s only a start.