Macaulay’s tenure with Internet NZ draws to close
Peter Macaulay’s tenure as Executive Director of
InternetNZ draws to a close
Statement by Peter Macaulay.
It hasn’t been a smooth ride, but even the bumps were fun, and we didn’t use the brakes once.
On July 31, 2005, my term as Executive director at InternetNZ ends. Originally I was contracted to provide this service for 2 years, and by mutual agreement with the Executive Committee extended the term a further six months. My aim at the time I came on board was to set some achievable goals and when these were tackled, prepare to hand over to a successor with a skill set fitted to a long term engagement. The timing has worked out well, and I feel that I am close to meeting most of the goals I set for myself, and few unexpected ones as well. To tidy up loose ends and provide continuity after July 31, I will be remaining on a committee or two (if the chairs wants me to!)
Since most members were aware of my contract, I was not going to make a statement until just before my last month started. However, the release of the job advertisement has created some speculation which forces an earlier statement from me.
You can read a list of achievements in the annual report (you do read it don’t you!), so I won’t list them here. We have got through a pile of work. Most of it successful too. A small team and a good group of contractors have delivered at speed with quality and had fun in the process.
The main key to success in managing a well funded not for profit is clarity in governance. This is not easy, especially in a smaller organization such as InternetNZ where officers are expected to fulfill significant operational roles as well as providing policy and direction. Reporting into the Executive Committee has been smooth, friendly and highly effective. I would recommend this model to any similar sized operation.
As you would expect, relationships with council are not always as smooth. Councilors have a wide range of opinions and these are not going to coincide just for consensus or operational comfort. This is where the officers have done a superb job, keeping the issues separated and non-personal. As an old mentor of mine told me “If you and I are agreeing all the time then one of us is redundant.” One of the key roles of council is to test ideas, and it does this well. From council I have learnt a lot in many areas. I leave better equipped than when I started.
Where does InternetNZ go next? The secretariat must deliver the work that allows the strategic plan to become reality. From a staff perspective, we are short of two permanent team members, when we get these, and bringing in the ever changing extended team of contractors, InternetNZ is well positioned to continue cutting the path into the cliff face while pushing the big initiatives:
1) Ubiquitous real broadband (this includes peering) 2) A lighter but more effective and nimble regulatory regime. 3) Continued success in the global Internet community (keep Internet governance where we have say and sway) 4) Sell the Code of Practice to the whole of New Zealand, and keep it alive and well. 5) Fight the legislative battles as they pop up 6) Support our siblings in their efforts (Netsafe in particular) 7) Lead the introduction of ENUM, IPV6 and other new technologies/protocols/standards 8) Implement and drive the use of the InternetNZ Interop Lab at Canterbury University. 9) Outreach to Internet Service Providers (ISPAG) 10 Support the Advanced Network 11) Big audacious things that will pop up as long as we keep our eyes open.
We have lots of other work to do just to keep our house in order. More importantly we must make good use of the tools our industry can deliver.
What is Pete going to do? No major plans. There is pile of consulting work out there waiting to be tackled, It could be in NZ or the UK or wherever, it is a global industry after all. My business, The Number One IT Group, has suffered through lack of attention, but is still fit and well. There are also opportunities linked with the work of InternetNZ. No chance of my brain idling just yet. Retirement? No way, it’s fatal. For relaxation, motorcycles, kayaks and surf (no I don’t do golf). Di and I want to spend more time exploring our beautiful country. Even after years of traveling around there are so many new places and new friends waiting.
In conclusion: thanks InternetNZ, for giving me the privilege of leading your operation for 30 marvelous months. I will stay close and I am keen to be involved wherever I can contribute without interfering in my successor’s territory.
A toast Here’s to the Internet, open and uncapturable