Getting 'The Weather Makers' to the Opinion Makers
Press release
31 October 2005
Getting The Weather Makers to the Opinion Makers
Wellington man Neil Brown, owner of the publishers’ sales agency Archetype Book Agents, has taken the unprecedented step of contacting political and business “movers and shakers” directly with copies of Tim Flannery’s book The Weather Makers: The History and Future Impact of Climate Change.
CEOs and leaders of companies and organisations including the Greenhouse Policy Coalition, the Business Roundtable, Federated Farmers, Mobil, Toyota and political parties have all received copies in an attempt by Mr Brown to spark intelligent debate.
A letter was included with the book which in part states, “Following a period in which acceptance of mankind’s influence on global warming seemed to be increasing; we are now seeing a disturbing swing back to the scientifically discredited belief that the current changes being experienced in climate are nothing more than a natural variation.
I hope that this credible and readable book by one of the world’s leading scientists will change the minds of those who have not yet accepted the need to take immediate action to secure our future. The most vital issue currently facing the world is climate change. I urge you to read this book. If you do, you will have no choice but to act on it.”
A firm believer in the potentially catastrophic consequences of unchecked climate change, Neil Brown has taken the unusual step of sending copies to people he knows hold opposing views on the subject. Unlike most books’ publicity mailings to literary editors and sympathetic reviewers, this is a heartfelt move by Mr Brown to foster debate and awareness of the issue, whether it causes sales or not.
A reasoned and scientific survey of climate change, The Weather Makers has met with huge acclaim from the scientific community and the media in Flannery’s native Australia; and with considerable, and heated responses from critics.
“It would be hard to imagine a better or more important book,” says Bill Bryson, acclaimed bestselling author.
“At last here is a clear
and readable account of one of the most important but
controversial issues facing everyone in the world today.”
Professor Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs And Steel
and Collapse, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the US
National Medal of Science, member of the US National Academy
of Sciences, and Professor of Geography at UCLA.