Yellow™ adds White pages to popular iPhone app

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Media release
October 2009
iPhone users can now search for both business and residential listings from a single source with the second release of Yellow’s popular iPhone app.
The key improvement in version 1.1 is that White pages® residential information is now also available, which means iPhone users can find friends and family, as well as businesses.
Yellow’s new Digital Media Director Peter Crowe says the addition of White pages residential listings was the logical next step in the ongoing development of the app.
“The White pages website is consistently one of the country’s most popular, so adding residential search to the app is a priority for us.
“iPhones and other smart phones provide the ideal platform for Yellow because they can present our content at the touch of a button and overlay location details, no matter where you happen to be.”
Mr Crowe says Yellow is increasingly looking to the online and mobile spaces as part of its digital growth strategy.
“The way people are consuming media is changing rapidly. We’re very much living in a digital world and our aim is to ensure our key asset - our content - is available to people where they want it, when they want it and how they want it.”
The Yellow iPhone app provides location awareness via the iPhone’s built in GPS, mapping and directions capability, and the ability to save businesses and people to your contacts and email search results to others.
Features of the new release include:
Free to download
Search both business and
residential listings
Set your own search radius when
finding a business – as refined or broad as you want
Maps with normal and satellite view
click to call
Driving and walking
Choose the number of business search
results per page
Save your favourite business
searches - and see the most popular ones
businesses and friends / family to your iPhone
Share listings via email
Existing Yellow iPhone app users will be automatically prompted to download the new release from iTunes.