Over 1,000 people react to New Zealand’s Politicians ‘LIVE’ on TV3 with Roy Morgan’s Mobile Reactor
Article No. 1481
Available on Website:
On November
18, 2011
Roy Morgan Online
Last night more than 1,200 people
from all over New Zealand gave their second-by-second
reactions to the political highs and lows of the week
on the Campbell Live show on TV3. People’s continuous
scoring from 1 - 100 with the reactor slider-bar on
their Androids, iPads & iPhones is averaged and displayed
live on the program as it goes to air. Various audience
segments (e.g. Gender, Age, Voting Intention, State or
Country) can be selected in the Online Reactor Player
(and displayed Live on TV) in real
TV3 will be featuring The Roy Morgan
Reactor when they broadcast the live NZ Election
Debate on Monday, November 21st. The real-time
reactions of a balanced audience of uncommitted
voters in the studio can be compared to the live
reactions of New Zealand voters, reacting with their
smartphones, wherever they are. The Mobile Reactor
app can be downloaded free from your app store.
“This world-leading technology introduces the next level of viewer engagement and interactivity to television," says Michele Levine, CEO of Roy Morgan Research. "We've been seeing the popularity of Twitter and voting by text, but this provides the ability for viewers to really engage with a program, not just for a moment but for the entire duration, or when ever they feel they want to give their reactions. After providing The Reactor (and Worm) to TV networks over the last two decades, we know that The Reactor graphs provide an extra level of entertainment and engagement, not just for those reacting but for all viewers. From previous Election Debates, we have seen the proof in the ratings that, when given a choice to watch with our without The Reactor, viewers resoundingly vote for the Reactor."
Reactor allows hundreds of thousands of viewers to
give their second-by-second reactions to any program (or
event) which can be viewed in real time in the online
Reactor Player, where audience segments can be
selected and graphed live, a Studio Vs At-home audience,
Male Vs Female or Age groups, for example. Roy Morgan
Research is talking to networks in Australia, UK and USA
about a wide variety of programs featuring The
Reactor including Current Affairs, Talent Quests,
Game Shows and