NZ Broadband Report for February 2012
NZ Broadband Report for February 2012
Original report with charts:
Comparison of ISP Webpage Download Speeds
TrueNet measures the time taken to download a webpage from our NZ based servers to our probes throughout NZ. Those ISPs with consistently quick load times take the lead in our ISP performance measurement.
Note the webpage download chart below shows the time taken to download a page, so the best is the least time taken and is at the bottom of the chart.
Best practice is now being achieved by three ISPs:TelstraClear DSL, Vodafone & Telecom. Snap is continuing to be the slowest. This month Slingshot had some issues affecting many of their probes, resulting in a sudden slow down in their performance. Probes connected to Orcon have reduced performance again. ISPs that were equal to Orcon in November and December have maintained their peformance, and are now well ahead.
TelstraClear Cable in Wellington & Christchurch is significantly better at downloading our test webpage than all other ISPs. Their network has been stable, and consistently faster than all others since TrueNet first began its testing regime.
File download speeds
For ADSL the best speed is mostly dependent on the distance between your modem and the exchange equipment, ISPs cannot change this factor, so TrueNet does not compare absolute speeds. During the peak usage period each evening however, congestion can cause broadband speeds to slow down, so we compare ISPs on their ability to maintain speeds at their best during this busy period.
We measure the speed at which a single file downloads, each hour, from every probe, then average out all the results for each hour for every day in the month for each ISP. These time based measurements are demonstrated in the results below.
This month Vodafone & Telecom achieved the most consistent rankings, with both maintaining average performance at better than 95% of their best. Snap was almost as good, maintaining 94% after last month being on a par with Telecom. The worst performers are far behind with one ISP showing the average speed slowing to less than 80% of their peak speed, suggesting severe congestion.
TrueNet methodology is explained here:
TrueNet is very keen to increase our volunteer base, our target is to now triple the number of probes, so please consider volunteering here: