Submissions sought on modified reassessment for herbicide
28 April 2015
Submissions sought on modified
reassessment for herbicide Callisto
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is calling for submissions on a modified reassessment of the herbicide Callisto. This is an already approved herbicide, which contains the active ingredient mesotrine.
The current approval for Callisto has restrictions on the rate at which the product is applied and the number of applications. The applicant, Syngenta Crop Protection, is seeking to increase the application rate and frequency, and extend the use of the substance to include turf. There would be no change to the application method.
If approved, the substance would be marketed as Tenacity Turf Herbicide.
The application is being notified due to application changes.
View application details and information
Public submissions are an important part of the process for considering applications to modify usage of a hazardous substance in New Zealand, and the EPA encourages all submissions. The application will be publicly notified (including notification of relevant government agencies) on 28 April.
The submission period for this application will start on 28 April and will close at 5pm on 10 June 2015.
Further information on submissions and the hearing process can be found at
The EPA’s role is to decide on applications under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act to import and manufacture hazardous substances. We put controls in place to manage the risks of hazardous substances to safeguard people and the environment.