Plant & Food Research success in Sustainable Farming Fund
Plant & Food Research success in Sustainable Farming Fund latest funding round
30 January 2019
On-farm nitrogen (N) management, reduced use of agrichemicals in onion production, pest management in strawberries, and management of avocado fruit quality are amongst the seven proposals selected for the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) latest funding round for which Plant & Food Research will be providing research support.
These projects will attract a total of $4.2 million of SFF and collaborating partners’ funds over the course of three years. The seven projects and industry partners are as follows:
* Mineralisable N to improve on-farm N management: This Plant & Food Research-led project will conduct on-farm demonstration trials in arable and vegetable cropping systems to validate use of a new laboratory test (published 2017) to predict in-field N mineralisation. Trials will include different crops, soils and climates to demonstrate the benefits of the new test in minimising unnecessary fertiliser N use and reducing the risk of N losses to the environment. This is a collaboration with the Foundation for Arable Research, Horticulture New Zealand, Ravensdown, Hills Laboratories, ARL, Eurofins, Environment Waikato, Environment Canterbury and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
* Sustainability of maize
cropping rotations use of cover crops as an N mitigation
tool in maize silage and maize grain: This project will
provide on-farm research and extension tools to successfully
established cover crops under maize silage and grain
rotations to reduce N leaching and sediment losses from
maize cropping systems. Results will provide flexibility to
harvest contractors and minimise pressure to meet cover crop
establishment deadlines. This is a collaboration with
Genetic Technologies and the Foundation for Arable
* Reducing use of agrichemicals within the
onion industry: This Onions New Zealand-led project will
focus on achieving sustainable onion production while
reaching production targets and maintaining New Zealand
onion industry’s position as a world-leading onion
producer and premium exporter. While the primary driver is
environmental, and more specifically the objective to lower
residues, the project will also address other sustainability
issues by identifying new management approaches to replace
or minimise the use of agrichemicals.
* Development of
an industry Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy:
Current practices to manage thrips in strawberries are
heavily reliant on non-selective insecticides. This Plant &
Food Research-led project aims to increase knowledge and
develop and implement new tools and techniques to manage
thrips in strawberry productions. It will empower growers to
adopt production-wide IPM strategies for more sustainable
and profitable growing and future-proofing thrips management
in strawberries. This is a collaboration with Berryworld
Ltd., Strawberries New Zealand and the agrichemical
* Developing practical, sustainable and
effective Best Practice guidelines for the management of
fruit quality on avocado orchards: This New Zealand
Avocado-led project is part of the on-going research that
helps the industry deliver premium quality avocados to
consumers in New Zealand and in export markets. It aims to
develop best practice guidelines based on practical,
sustainable, and effective strategies for the management of
fruit quality on orchards. This will be done by comparing
orchard blocks and developing grower-friendly technology
transfer to increase the uptake of best practice
recommendations. It will provide growers with greater
clarity in managing fruit quality and sustainable tools to
combat factors which may be detrimental to fruit
* Building capability to manage biosecurity
threats: This work encompasses the development of response-
and preparedness- plans for the possible establishment of
fruit fly and brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) in pipfruit
production regions. It seeks to build industry’s
capability and knowledge to effectively minimise biosecurity
threats to growers and consumers while maintaining the
positive impacts of Integrated Fruit Production. This is a
collaboration with New Zealand Apples & Pears Inc.
Control of anthracnose disease in feijoa: An aggressive
anthracnose disease is causing extensive crop losses in
feijoa orchards in Northland. Without any control programme
in place, the disease could drastically impair the industry
should it spread to other regions. The project aims to
deliver an all-round protective programme to manage and
control the disease by identifying cultivars with tolerance
to the disease, developing a protective fungicide spray
programme and developing best orchard cultural practices to
prevent inoculum build-up and reduce infection. This is a
collaboration with New Zealand Feijoa Growers
SFF supports applied research projects led by farmers, growers, and foresters who come together to tackle shared problems or develop new opportunities.
Since 2000, the SFF has supported more than 1,000 projects, many of which have involved Plant & Food Research as a collaborating partner.
This year, 31 projects received a total of $9.8 million over three years from the Fund.