Analysis of the WTO Doha Ministerial Declaration
World Development Movement
Analysis of the Final Ministerial Declaration of the 4th Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Doha
(See … WTO DOHA: Final Ministerial Declaration)
Preamble: (Paras 1-11)
The Preamble provides
uncritical praise for trade liberalisation, without
acknowledging the deep problems that the Uruguay Round has
caused for the poorest countries. It includes a statement
reaffirming the rights of governments to regulate supply of
services. However, this is meaningless since the Preamble
has no legal status, and would be overridden by specific
provisions under the General Agreement on Trade in Services
Implementation Issues: (Para
Developing countries tabled 102 issues in the
run-up to Seattle which were to have been dealt with as a
matter of priority. These were problems arising either from
commitments that have not been implemented by the rich
countries, or problems with implementations by developing
countries due to their lack of capacity or the adverse
impacts on their development. The text includes some further
consideration of these issues, some non-binding
encouragement for the developed countries to be sympathetic,
but has only minor adjustments on the way these agreements
are implemented. In particular, the commitment to allow
quota fee and tariff free access to exports from developing
countries has remained as an aspiration. Some countries such
as New Zealand have done so - the EU has retained temporary
protection for bananas and domestic producers of sugar and
rice. Many other countries have failed to act on this
long-standing commitment, despite the small proportion of
trade that LDCs represent - with 10% of the world’s
population, they only account for 0.4% of world
Aside from the ongoing negotiations on agriculture, there will be negotiations on fisheries and anti-dumping laws (as part of ‘Subsidies and Countervailing Measures’), but these are riddled with caveats and get-out clauses for the developed countries. There will be a report prepared on the remaining implementation issues for discussion at the end of 2002, for possible action thereafter. A problem is that developing countries will be asked to pay twice in terms of their inclusion in negotiations. The lack of concrete actions to resolve these problems identified as a matter of the highest priority by developing countries makes a mockery of the concept of the "Development Round", and calls into question the real commitment of the British government and the EU to make trade rules fairer to the poor.
Agriculture: (Para 13-14)
The agriculture
negotiations started in January 2000 and are ongoing. The
main point of contention in Doha was whether the EU would
agree to the aim of "reductions of, with a view to phasing
out, all forms of export subsidies." At the last hour, they
did agree, but added a caveat to say that this aim is
"without prejudging the outcome of negotiations". This
severely undermines any commitment to open up EU
agricultural markets to exports from developing world.
Services: (Para 15)
The text does not include the
proposals from developing countries for an assessment to
precede any negotiations (as specified in the GATS
agreement) and sets dates for making proposals on
liberalisation. Requests for countries to open up their
services sectors will be submitted by 30 June 2002 and
initial offers of countries to liberalise will be submitted
by 31 March 2003. Negotiations on services, as with the
other agreements, will be completed by 1 January 2005. This
is a very compressed timetable, meaning that developing
countries would not be able to undertake the required
research and consultation before having to offer up service
sectors for liberalisation. The commitments that they make
would effectively be irreversible under the disciplines of
Article XXI.
In another section of the Declaration (on WTO Rules), there is a dangerous new commitment to "the reduction or, as appropriate, elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services." Not only would this include environmentally damaging services such as nuclear waste processing, but would include services such as water. This would then provide an accelerated commitment for opening up the supply of water, waste collection and disposal, and other services, often provided by the public sector, in all countries.
Negotiations on market access for non-agricultural products:
(Para 16)
The agreement commits to new negotiations
on all products, without exclusions. It includes issues of
importance to developing countries such as tariff peaks and
tariff escalation, and "less than full reciprocity in
reduction commitments" for developing and Least Developed
Countries. But developing countries argue that they should
not be required to give up their protection for local
businesses at all, given their stage of development and
recognizing that some of the highest protection is used by
the rich nations to block exports from the developing world.
Nor does it include the repeated call from developing
countries for assessment of their experience of tariff
reductions under the Uruguay Round before making any new
TRIPs: (Para 17-19)
Declaration on TRIPs and Public Health confirms the existing
agreement in saying that the TRIPs agreement "does not and
should not prevent Members from taking measures to protect
public health". The Declaration was only required because of
the aggressive attacks by the US on the rights of countries
to prioritise affordable treatment for health emergencies
such as HIV/AIDS. Developing countries were forced to waste
a huge amount of time clarifying that the existing agreement
allows them to do so. There is still doubt as to whether the
declaration will be fully legally enforceable. There was
little attention to other problems with the TRIPs agreement,
including African nations’ proposals to strengthen
traditional rights over natural resources and traditional
knowledge against biopiracy (as in multinationals patenting
the active ingredients of plants used by indigenous
peoples), to prohibit the patenting of life, and a clear
statement that the Biosafety Protocol (allowing countries to
refuse the release of GM seeds) takes precedence over WTO
Investment and Competition Policy: (Para
The Ministerial Declaration includes a
complicated agreement to start pre-negotiations on both of
these issues, but a decision on full negotiations must be
taken on the basis of explicit consensus at the next
Ministerial conference (in two years’ time). These
agreements have been highly controversial, since they were
rejected by developing countries at the Singapore
Ministerial meeting in 1996 (along with government
procurement and trade facilitation, they are often referred
to as the ‘Singapore issues’). A Working Group was
established with the condition that negotiations would start
only on the basis of an explicit consensus amongst WTO
members. Such a consensus does not exist and these issues
should never have been in the agenda that came to Qatar. The
majority of developing countries have consistently opposed
negotiations on these issues, pointing out that they are
mainly in the interests of multinationals from the rich
world. In a deeply unfair negotiations process in Geneva,
the statements from around 90 developing countries against
starting negotiations were ignored. The EU gave extremely
high priority to these issues - according to negotiators
from other countries, these issues were the highest
priority, along with agriculture. In Doha, these issues were
initially dropped and then dramatically inserted on a
take-it or leave-it basis at the very last stage.
Transparency in Government Procurement and Trade
Facilitation: (Para 26-27)
Again, the Ministerial
Declaration includes a complicated agreement to start
pre-negotiations on both of these issues, but a decision on
full negotiations must be taken on the basis of explicit
consensus at the next Ministerial conference (in two years’
time). Developing countries consider that negotiations on
government procurement have little to do with trade and do
not belong in the WTO, and are not included in the mandated
that established the WTO in 1995. The negotiations will be
limited to transparency in government procurement, an
apparently innocuous step, but developing countries are
concerned that this will lead to negotiations on opening up
government procurement in developing countries (often used
as an important instrument for development) to foreign
multinationals. This is the stated aim of many of the
developed countries. Of even more concern is the potential
use of transparency as a means to provide muItinationals
with a means to challenge government procurement policies.
It is a thin end of a dangerous wedge to start negotiations
on this issue.
WTO Rules: (Para 28-29)
There is
an apparent commitment to negotiate on the issues that are
important to many countries, including stopping the abuse of
anti-dumping rules by the rich countries. However, the
Declaration includes a caveat in saying that there will be
negotiations "while preserving the basic concepts,
principles and effectiveness of these Agreements and their
instruments and objectives". This renders such negotiations
virtually powerless.
Environment: (Para
The Declaration includes negotiations on
Multilaterial Environmental Agreements (MEAs). However,
there are again caveats. The text includes the statement
"the negotiations shall not prejudice the WTO rights of any
Member that is not a party to the MEA in question". That
gives the USA a let-out clause on agreements they have not
signed, such as the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change and the
Biosafety Protocol. It also provides an incentive for
countries not to sign up to MEAs, thereby benefiting from
international action without being bound by any of its
provisions. There will be negotiations on fisheries
subsidies that have caused huge problems for community and
small fisheries in developing countries. However, again
there are caveats. The negotiations will only "aim to
clarify and improve WTO disciplines on fisheries subsidies"
without aiming to stop their use by the EU to deplete the
fisheries of West Africa and other regions.
There is also to be continued work in the Committee on Trade and the Environment on TRIPs and eco-labelling. A decision on whether to negotiate will be taken at the next Ministerial meeting.
The Work Programme: (Para 45-52)
agenda of trade negotiations is proposed to be completed
within 3 years. This is a very short period, given the huge
agenda and the experience of the last Round of trade
negotiations (the Uruguay Round) that took 8 years.
Developing countries have repeatedly said that they cannot
undertake a massive new work programme, especially given
economic crisis in many of the poorest countries. The
promises of funds for capacity building come in the context
of falling aid budgets and a string of broken promises in
the past. Money will only be diverted from other uses, such
as health care and education. Building capacity to undertake
negotiations requires many years, requiring hiring of staff,
training and gaining the necessary expertise. The huge
agenda and lack of capacity means commitments would be made
without the necessary research, assessment and public
The pressures on them are added through the creation of a new committee to oversee the negotiations and the grouping together of all the issues into a single package. As seen in Doha, it is extremely difficult for developing countries to reject a big package of measures and put at risk the multilateral trade system that could protect them from targeting by the major trading powers. In Doha, as in previous agreements, it was obvious that this could be achieved through unfair multilateral processes as well as bilateral action. There is no commitment in the Declaration to the "fundamental and radical reform" of the WTO called for in Seattle by Stephen Byers, then UK Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
Barry Coates in
Doha on +44 7702 236 418 (UK mobile)
or 5392710 (Qatari