WSSD Statements: Korea, Macedonia
H.E. Choi
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the
Republic of Korea
at the
World Summit on Sustainable
Johannesburg, South Africa
2 September
Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General,
Excellencies and Distinguished Delegates,
My special thanks goes to the people and the government of the Republic of South Africa, for helping to make this historic meeting possible.
What I would like to highlight here today is the importance of dealing with the issue of poverty in our efforts to achieve sustainable development.
We all know that poverty not only stands in the way of economic development, it also poses daunting challenges to our quest for peace and security, as it generates hatred, crime and terrorism. Therefore, there is no question that the international community has to redouble concerted efforts to reduce poverty. Such action is needed now, not later, for the sake of survival and security, as well as prosperity for all of us.
How, then, can we address the issue of poverty more effectively? I believe we should start in the context of globalization. Despite recent doubt and skepticism, globalization is still the predominant force driving the world today. It offers many great benefits, including the means and opportunity to achieve economic development in many countries.
At the same time, however, we should not turn our eyes away from the fact that globalization produces negative effects. As globalization accelerates, income disparities and digital divide may grow among and within countries, which can make sustainable development difficult.
As for the Republic of Korea, we are actively participating in global efforts to address the issues of the side effects including that of digital divide. In fact, given our comparative strengths, we have provided US$ 387 million of soft loans for 20 IT infrastructure projects in fifteen countries. And, through the Korea International Cooperation Agency, we offered IT training opportunities for 325 foreign trainees in the year 2001 alone.
Now, let me turn to the question of how we maximize the benefits of globalization. For many of us, one answer seems clear: We need to work harder to generate more trade and investment through the opening and liberalization of markets. We know that is one very effective means for generating sustainable development. And, it is for this reason that cooperation is more important than ever for the timely completion of the WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations.
Mr. President,
In fact, what I have just said comes from Korea's own experience of development over the past four decades. And, through exchange, training, and technological support programs, along with increased ODA programs, we want to share with developing countries our experience of past successes and failures, including those of the 1997 economic crisis.
Indeed, the economic crisis that we faced four and half years ago taught us many lessons on sustainable development -- particularly on the issues of transparency, accountability, and equitable stakeholder participation. And, based on these lessons, we founded the Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development in the year 2000. Down the road, this Commission will play an important role in having the cause of sustainability reflected in a wide range of our future government policies.
Relating to this, we hope to deposit the instrument of ratification of the Kyoto Protocol before the end of this year.
In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we are currently working on hosting the 2010 World Expo in our exemplary environment-friendly coastal city of Yeosu. If we can make this happen with your support, we know that the event would provide an excellent opportunity to share with other countries and civil societies worldwide our past experiences and future vision for sustainable development.
Mr. President,
After Johannesburg, our order of the day will be maximizing the impact of the "Plan of Implementation." For that task, I believe regional and sub-regional cooperation among countries with geographic proximity and ecological similarities will offer a highly effective vehicle.
And, here, a promising example is found in Northeast Asia, where we see the Republic of Korea-China-Japan Environmental Ministers' Meeting, the Northeast Asian Sub-regional Program of Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC), and the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP). So far, these mechanisms have contributed to collectively responding to regional environmental issues such as sand storms, acid rain and marine pollution.
And, I am optimistic that these cooperation mechanisms will now provide a strong basis for carrying out the WSSD Plan of Implementation in Northeast Asia.
In conclusion, Mr. President, this Johannesburg Summit laid an outstanding foundation for striking a balance between environmental protection and socio-economic development. From now on, the world should thrive on sustainable development, not on economic growth alone. We must succeed in this test. For this, global partnership is essential. It is our duty and hope of the world.
And, for sure, Korea is more ready than ever to play an integral part in this partnership for collective action.
Thank you very much, Mr. President
H.E. Mr. Boris
President of The Republic of Macedonia
World Summit on Sustainable Development
Johannesburg, South Africa
2nd September 2002
Mr. President,
Ladies and
Allow me, at the outset, to express our deep gratitude to our host, the Government of South Africa, for the excellent organization of this event.
It is great honour for me to participate in this Summit and to share with all of you, not only few thoughts, but above all the responsibility for a successful outcome of this outstanding gathering.
Mr. President,
We have gathered here, in Johannesburg, on such a fascinating place, not just to express our verbal commitment to preserve the Earth. We owe it to our children and their children. We are here to make a bond, a partnership and to jointly agree on a viable Plan of implementation in order to make the world better place for living.
We live in increasingly interdependent world and therefore we need to act together in solving the most important issues and undertake actions that will bring prosperity for all, especially for the benefit of the citizens in the least developed and developing countries. It goes without saying that the Doha Conference, the Monterrey Summit and the Johannesburg Summit, taken in an interrelated manner, as far as their commitments are concerned, will influence the prospects of globalization as an outstanding process of the today's world. Let us make this Summit, as it is stated in the message of the Danish EU Presidency for its participants, a landmark for a "Global Deal on Sustainable Development".
Mr. President,
The Republic of Macedonia has embarked upon the way to develop a sound National Strategy for Sustainable Development in accordance with the national interest, regional opportunities, principles related to the integration process with the EU as well as the United Nations Millennium goals.
In this respect, based upon the principles of good governance as a prerequisite of a global sustainable development strategy, National Strategy for Sustainable Development, will be directed to:
1. Create adequate public awareness as a set of values and altitudes related to the issue of sustainability;
2. Develop appropriate approach and contents in the educational process that supports generation of knowledge useful in practice;
3. Support organizational adjustment of the public and private organizations along with the principles of sustainability;
4. Provide access to all information related to sustainable development and relevant to developing public awareness on that issue;
5. Create social and legal
framework that would stimulate behaviour supportive to
sustainable development, promote good governance
all levels, including democratic values and rule of law;
6. Support economic activities based on reasonable use of
natural resource, protection of environment and development
development of human potentials;
7. Provide
appropriate legal and business environment for investments
that will be no in collision with the principles of
development and will enhance
international cooperation, providing better access to world
Mr. President,
Sustainable development
implies, inter alia, the sensibility to the human needs
according to the social status, education, culture, age,
gender and so fort. In this sense, the economic and social
development and the environmental protection are inter
dependable and represent
components of the sustainable
development. Democracy, respect of human rights and
fundamental freedoms that embrace the right to development,
transparent and responsible management of all segments of
society, as well as effective participation of the citizens
in public life, also represent significant part of
sustainable development that addresses society and human
kind. Poverty eradication, changing unsustainable patterns
of production and consumption, protection and reasonable
management of natural resources and social justice, are
overreaching objectives of and essential requirements for
sustainable development.
Following the Partnership
penuries I realized that several representatives stressed
the need for: transfer of technology, financial assistance
and capacity building and improved market access; debt
relief and funds for halting desertification. One can not
agree more. It also clearly
demonstrates the interlink
age of finance, trade, technology, education, science,
capacity building and information for decision making.
This Summit is held in Africa - the continent which definitely deserves our special attention. The African countries need to revise the negative trends, but the international community must help. We should work together this Summit directly to address the African concerns and propose measures for sustainable development.
Mr. President,
My country last year suffered from a conflict, which had negative impact to development of all segments of the society. Peace, security and stability are the most important preconditions for sustainable development.
I want to reaffirm our commitment to the Rio principles and the full implementation of the Agenda 21, as well as to the achievement of the goals agreed at the major UN conferences and international agreements related to the sustainable development. I fully agree within this context with the WEHAB initiative proposed by the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan concerning the five themes for particular attention of the Summit: Water, Energy, health, Agriculture and Bio-diversity. This are critical areas for long-term development and at the same time an integral part of a coherent international approach.
In this respect, Macedonia will contribute to the fight the conditions that pose severe threats to sustainable development, such as poverty, environmental degradation, famine, intolerance, violence and armed conflicts, illicit drug problems, organized crime, terrorism, corruption, and endemic, communicable and chronic diseases.
Mr. President,
For the fulfilment of our noble goals there is a need for strong commitment of all governments of the UN member states as well as a sustainable partnership with the private sector and the NGO-s. I fully agree in this regard with Secretary Colin Powell saying that "sustainable development" is a "compelling moral and humanitarian issue".
Let me conclude with the most appropriate slogan I have come across during the proceedings of this Summit. It is very-simple but also more than clear: Words in Action. This is not only the imperative of the day but the best asset for our common future.
Thank you.