UNICEF Lauds White House Leadership on AIDS Bill
UNICEF Lauds White House Leadership on AIDS Bill
"Young people are our best vaccine against AIDS"
NEW YORK, 29 April 2003 ? UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy commended the White House for its leadership in endorsing a $15 billion emergency bill to tackle AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean today. The bill promotes an "ABC" prevention package (Abstinence, Be Faithful, Consistently use Condoms) that sidelines efforts by some to keep condoms out of the final legislation.
Bellamy's remarks followed President Bush's endorsement of the AIDS bill at a bipartisan ceremony at the White House. The US President signalled his full support for the prevention, care and treatment bill, which is based on a successful Ugandan model that saw prevalence rates among pregnant women drop from 20.6 per cent in 1991 to 7.9 per cent by 2000.