IPA calls Australia to adapt to Climate Change
Friends of the Earth Media Release
27July 2005
calls Australia to adapt to Climate Change
The old adage ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ is a lesson to be well applied to the current debate on climate change adaptation: yet last night’s 7:30 Report highlighted the profound illogic of the IPA’s position on climate change.
IPA spokeswoman Dr Jennifer Marohasy conceded that climate change is inevitable and we should adapt to what’s coming but not reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Ironically Friends of the Earth believes that Dr Marohasy is right, in that we should get beyond the debate about whether carbon dioxide is causing climate change. Happily most of us have.” Said Friends of the Earth spokeswoman Stephanie Long.
“Whether carbon dioxide is causing climate change is no longer debated in the international community – there is resounding consensus it is.”
“What we are now waiting for is action to reduce carbon dioxide and assist those most vulnerable to climate change.”
It is simple: The faster we act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the better we can avoid the most dangerous and severe impacts of climate change.
“It is from a position of pure luxury that the Australian government can now turn its eye to adaptation to climate change without accepting binding commitments to reduce our greenhouse pollution 60-80% in this century.” Said Ms Long.
“Africa and small island states of the Pacific, the most vulnerable countries to climate change, will continue to be affected by our pollution which is growing on an annual basis.”
“Australia has one of the lowest mandatory renewable energy targets in the industrialised world and amongst the lowest standards of energy efficiency uptake. We also remain the greatest per capita greenhouse gas emitter in the industralised world.”
“This is a shameful position for Australia – the lucky sunshine country.”
Transcripts from The 7:30 Report as aired on 26 July 2005:
ambiguous. It's not clear that climate change is being
driven by carbon dioxide levels. But let's move beyond that
argument and let's start talking about how we can adapt to
what will be a different climate in the future.”
“DR JENNIFER MAROHASY: I actually think that it's good if we can get beyond this debate of whether increase in carbon dioxide levels are driving more extreme climate events. I think that we need to move beyond that and accept and recognise that whether or not we can reduce carbon dioxide levels, there will be climate change.”
Accessed from http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2005/s1423001.htm