Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment
Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment
Brattleboro, Vermont, has joined nine other towns and cities, five state Democratic parties, and 19 local Democratic committees in passing resolutions urging the impeachment of President Bush and -- in most cases -- Vice President Cheney.
"Hopefully if enough towns start passing these somebody will take action," Brattleboro Town Representative Dora Bouboulis told the Burlington Free Press. "It's about starting a movement and helping them have the courage to act."
ImpeachPAC is working with
Progressive Democrats of America and local activists to pass
similar resolutions around the country, and has created a
kit to assist local organizations in the task:
Impeachment has become a live topic in the U.S. media, including the Washington Post, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and the Vermont Guardian.
Forums are being
held around the country on the topic of impeachment, as in
this video:

According to ImpeachPAC President Bob Fertik, "Congress and the national media dismiss the majority of Americans who support impeachment as powerless and irrelevant. But ordinary Americans refuse to remain powerless, and they are using the basic tools of Democracy - like Town Hall Meetings and local resolutions - to begin impeachment from the bottom up. These local efforts have already persuaded several Members of Congress to support John Conyers' bill to investigate President Bush's impeachable offenses. We hope this movement will ultimately persuade all 435 Members of Congress to perform their Constitutional duty to hold President Bush accountable for his innumerable High Crimes."
ImpeachPAC Washington Director David Swanson added, "This week we are going to see the Senate Intelligence Committee again effectively refuse to investigate Bush's misleading pre-war statements, the Senate Judiciary Committee take up the topic of Censure, and the Senate and the media face the issue of the permanent U.S. military bases being built along an oil pipeline in Iraq. Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of Congress Members is planning a push for an open House debate on the war, and the Supreme Court tomorrow begins hearing arguments on the question of Bush's claimed right to detain people indefinitely without charge or access to counsel. All of this is happening in the context of Bush's recent admission that he has no intention of ever pulling all U.S. troops out of Iraq. People across the political spectrum are opposing this war and are taking offense at this President and Vice President routinely behaving as if they were above the law. We're building a movement for impeachment to restore the rule of law and end this administration's illegal adventure in Iraq."
Authorized by ImpeachPAC